Instructions for authors
Eranos practices double blind peer review of all contributions. The identity or affiliation of the author should not appear from the article itself and the title page of the manuscript should be submitted separately, and should display the author’s name, address for correspondence, and the title of the paper. All contact details should be on the title page only.
Do not submit articles which are under consideration with other journals.
We welcome contributions in correct English, French, and German. Authors writing in any of these as a foreign language are advised to have their manuscript revised by a qualified translator or native speaker before submission. We also welcome contributions in Latin and the Scandinavian languages. Abstracts are to be written in English.
Manuscripts should be submitted as Word document and pdf-file. Please ensure that the files are anonymized and do not contain information about the author or his/her affiliation.
Manuscripts should not exceed c. 15 000 words, footnotes and bibliography included.
Send manuscripts to
Document structure
Add page numbers to the document but otherwise leave the header and footer empty. Use footnotes, not endnotes. The document should contain the following elements:
• Title (strive for clarity and brevity)
• Subtitle (optional)
• Abstract (in English) of not more than 200 words which will be printed along with the text.
• Text, preferably with no more than one level of subheadings. If you need to use two levels, differentiate them visually in a clear way with bold and italics (never capitals). There should always be an introductory paragraph preceding the first subheading
• Bibliography
Contributors will be sent first proofs of their articles, but normally not revised proofs. For financial reasons, changes (as against corrections of misprints) cannot, as a rule, be accepted at proof stage.
Text formatting
Please consult the Instructions for authors for detailed instructions.